Bringing alignment of values, to the forefront of investment and purchasing decisions.
Delivering clarity in a sea of information
Alygne specializes in content processing, distilling complex narratives surrounding companies across various topics. Leveraging our advanced NLP algorithms, we identify controversies and company opinions, providing executive summaries and alignment scores.
Business solutions
A suite of tools tailored for businesses, offering transparent and granular information to analyze controversies and company opinions.
- Seamless integration
- Fully customizable
Community App
Mobile application designed for consumers seeking alignment between their values and the companies they support.
Powered by cutting edge NLP technology
Uncovering our competitive differentiators
Custom topics on demand
Our innovative algorithms allow us to add any custom topic or stance in a few days simply from a natural language definition.
Fully automatic pipeline
The pipeline setup requires minimal annotation effort and the precision of our detection algorithms is high enough to overcome the need for human verification at the output.
Cost-effective and green
We utilize various optimal-sized models for each specific task. This Frugal AI approach, coupled with minimal human intervention, significantly reduces our costs and energy consumption.
Our patented algorithms enable us to outperform the conventional sentiment analysis approach in tasks such as stance and controversy detection.
Smart aggregation
We identify distinct temporal events by aggregating our data points and utilize LLM and RAG to generate executive summaries of these events.